
Mint, Honeydue, Splitwise... They all suck. Can we ACTUALLY manage our finances properly?

~5 min read

nedon in action


Finance tracker that actually tracks properly.

Preview build with sandbox data:

The problem

You swipe your card for a checkout at a store. Immediately, a $230 transaction appears on your banking app, labeled ‘Groceries’. “That’s not right”, you say, “The other $50 were supplies for the bathrooms.”

You get home and divvy it up with your roommates. You rely on a calculator and a note-taking app to keep track of how much everyone owes you. It’s a labour.

Soon after, your app warns that you are getting close to your monthly budget. In fact, you exceeded your grocery budget. You know that’s not true. You know you are only responsible for $80 from that purchase. You know only $35.89 of it is groceries.

Your banking app is useless. The solution? Nedon.

Alternatives comparison

AI receipt scanOXXXXX
Manual transaction entryPlannedXXXOX
Split with other users/groupsOXPaid featureOOJust one member
Custom categoriesPlannedOOXXX
Assign multiple categoriesOOXXXO
Assign cost to multiple categoriesOOXXXO
Group spending overviewOXXXPaid featureO
Individual spending overviewOOOOXX
Net worth trackingPlannedOPaid featureXXX
Web viewOOXXXX
Mobile appPlannedOOOOO
Open sourceOXXXXX

Nedon plans to offer/offers the following key features: